Wednesday, 2 January 2019

What Will it Take to Stop You

We've all heard the lines before, "Making lemonade out of lemons", "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change", "When life throws you curveballs, hit them out of the park." These are beautiful and cute and sweet for a motivational Instagram or Facebook quote; but what about when life just really and truly sucks for you? What are you supposed to do about it?

It's not easy to just turn around your way of thinking. It's so much easier to host your own little pity party, grab a pint of Ben & Jerry's, and wallow in your sorrows about how rough/tough/miserable life is. Trust me. On more than one occasion, I've wanted to throw in the towel, and just start fresh with whatever endeavour failed; but I've never done that. I've never seen something that didn't work out as a "failure." It was yet another experience that taught me about life.

As Albert Einstein said (and a million others have echoed), "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." This applies to relationships, businesses, sports, ideas - anything, really.

In previous blogs, I've spoken about changing your mindset, and how things are only as bad as you perceive them to be; I hope this enhances what I've said before, and makes it come to life a little more.